Would like to wish my new found friends on blog land a very happy new year! Am looking forward to lots of new making project's in 2015.
Will be back blogging in the new yearxx
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!
I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!
As like everyone else, it's going to busy over the coming days, I wanted to send seasons greetings to one all!.
I have a cold at the moment, which is not what you need at this time of year but Ho Ho Ho, onwards we go.
I have managed to finish all the projects I have been working on except the gingerbread house which Mittens knocked off the side and into a million pieces on the kitchen floor........
Here are 3 of my finished projects;
1. Meet Mr Fox - for a certain little pickle.
2. For hubbie to keep him warm!
3. For all of us, my first granny square completed craft, and I am very happy with it, just the top trim to finish.
So with the all the festive activities to come, I will be taking a break until after Christmas, Take care everyone and see you again soon,
Thanks for popping by and hope you all have a great Christmas!
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 17 Christmas in my home country..
Good Afternoon,
For me the UK is my home country, so my traditions may seem normal to most people.
I have traditions which are general to this country...
Christmas trees, carol singing, watching the school play, eating turkey and all the trimmings Christmas day, and the joy of seeing all the towns and cities decorated for Christmas.
But I have traditions passed down my parents to me, that I have passed on to little pickle and also created some traditions of our own along the way.
My parents always took us to London to see the Christmas lights on Oxford St and Regent St, it was such a treat to see all the window displays.
My Mum taught me how to cook the Christmas food from cake, pies to the actual Christmas dinner, which I cooked for the first time when I was 13 years old.
So now me and pickle cook the cake from the same recipe and make the mince pies etc.
As for new traditions we try to go Ice Skating every year, here is a picture of this year.
We watch festive films like - Home Alone, I saw mommy kissing santa and we listen to lots of music.
Another tradition we do together is making a Gingerbread house, which is at present a work in progress, but it will be decorated with lots of sweets and icing.
And hubbie also brought along new traditions - 1 present each can be opened Christmas Eve, (I love this) and also driving around the area looking at all the Christmas lights on the houses.
So that's me, hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for stopping by
Merry Christmas!
Monday, 15 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 15 Christmas Decorations
Good Afternoon,
Sorry it's been a couple of days since I posted, you know how it is, crazy crazy this time of year!
Had a great weekend Christmas shopping, more cooking and.... Me and pickle went Ice Skating, I love skating, but we don't have many ice rinks near us, so have to grab the opportunity when it's there! Hubbie enjoyed taking pictures and videoing us and laughing at us trying to stay on our feet.
I know this is day 15, however I would like to add Day 14 - Childhood memory - Mine would be helping my mum in the kitchen cooking the cake and pies etc I really used to know Christmas was on it's way.
Now onto Day 15 - Christmas Decorations
So this year I have made a few...
I love the garland that goes along the window in the dining room and the tree of course!
I also made this cute cone holders for the candy canes.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 11 - Christmas Food what's on the menu?
Good Morning,
Ooh food again, it seems we like to do lots of feasting this time of year!
Due to my change in diet (Gluten Free) I have had to amend many of my recipes this year, but so far so good, even managed to master Puff Pastry (I Know!), If I didn't work I would spend most of my time in the kitchen baking.
So it's the usual but scrummy Christmas cake decorated by me and little pickle, we are going to square this year instead of round, and I think with snowmen, presents, and tree's on top, watch this space....
Mince pies, sausage rolls, cheese straws are all firm favourite's, however I may make a sausage plait this year, like my mum used to make when we were little.
Christmas Morning usually starts with smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and bacon for hubbie, and of course bucks fizz.
Now the Festive Lunch/Dinner depending on when we fancy eating now set times in our house just go with the flow of the day, I never really panic about cooking Christmas dinner I think because the first time I cooked it was about 12 years old as my mum was poorly at the time.
Anyway sorry gone of course!!
So it has to be Roast Turkey, Stuffing, Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Roasted Parsnips, and greens (No Brussels sprouts), with homemade gravy and cranberry sauce.
For pudding - Very traditional Christmas Pudding with cream, brandy butter, or baileys cream.
Then later - Sandwiches, pickles, red cabbage and more sweets, mince pies etc
My word it makes me hungry just typing this out, so looking forward to it!
I also cook a ham flavoured with Honey and Cloves,which we eat boxing day with cold turkey and pickles.
Hope you enjoyed my post
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - day 10 show us your cookies or recipes
Sorry it's so late, but I have been out to watch little pickle in the big sing choir at the theatre. I am one proud mummy tonight!!
so my cookie is white chocolate and cranberry.
I only make them at Christmas, yummyxx
I also cook gingerbread houses, pictures to follow.
thanks for dropping by
so my cookie is white chocolate and cranberry.
I only make them at Christmas, yummyxx
thanks for dropping by
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 9 Winter Items you can't live without

I really love this time of year, (well up to end of December anyway), So here is my few items I couldn't get though winter without!
Hot Chocolate... The yummy smell of it filling my kitchen with whipped cream and marshmallows and maybe a hint of cinnamon.
Wellie boots, I currently have bright pink lace patterned wellies, they make me feel like a kid again!
Love them!!!
Candles - I have them everywhere in the house - I do really love Yankee candles and I have about 20 to get though this winter, hmmmmmmm. I really love the candle light in the winter with festive lights sparkling it just feels so cosy.
I have really got into knitting and crochet, so I have been making hat's scarves and wrist warmers..these are mine and little pickles
Hope you enjoyed my post, please stop by again soon.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 8 - What is on your wish list this year?
Good Morning,
Well I can't believe it's Monday again, But it's Day 8 of Blogmas 2014. I had a very busy weekend, as it was our Towns Christmas Event on Saturday and I was involved in the organising, the day was great, the sun was shining, and a good time had by all.
So back to subject in hand, What is on my Wish list this year?
Well to be really honest, for everyone to be well and healthy, I have had many a Christmas where one of us is poorly. And as it's so busy this time of year, Little Pickle is doing Choir, School Play, Disco etc, it just goes crazy! The dreaded cold has already struck down two of her best friends.
On to subject in hand.....
Well if it was like pie in the sky, I would like a Bright Red Kitchen Aid mixer! (Or any colour really), I just love seeing them all lined up in the shops in a rainbow of colour and sparkles.
But in reality a extension table for the sewing machine, a new sewing bag, and a charm from little pickle for my Pandora bracelet.
I really just want a relaxing, happy and joyful Christmas
See you all again tomorrow, Enjoy your Monday
Friday, 5 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 5 Favourite Christmas Food
Welcome back to Day 5 of Blogmas 2014,
Christmas Food, my word where do we start, I usually start baking in Mid November for Christmas, just because I am one of these crazy people who love to be organised, however each year I still manage to run out of time!
I think I need to separate this into Sweet and Savoury.
Cheese Straws
Mince Pies
Sausage Rolls
Turkey with all the trimmings
Homemade Gravy and Cranberry sauce
seasonal nibbles - Cheeselets, twiglets and nuts
Christmas Cake
Christmas Pudding
Homemade Chocolate Truffles
Gingerbread biscuits and houses
Rocky Road
Cranberry and Choc cookies
Advent Chocolates
Like before I think the list would go on and on, I think most of the ones on the list comes from family tradition, handed down from my grandmother to my mum and to me and now hopefully to little pickle. I remember being 6 years old and watching my Mum and Sister mix the Christmas cake and cutting up the cherries, and ended up with very sticky fingers!
Every year I make Gingerbread houses to give to Friends and Family and one for us at home, all decked out with Sweets and Marshmallows.
The turkey is always the main event in our house, apart from one year, when our old cat, eat though the defrosting turkey in the garage (she managed to get to it on top of the microwave, on top of the tumble dryer, in the baking tin, with a tea towel over it, in carrier bag and the thick plastic wrapping) she eat 1/2 of the breast, as you could imagine on Christmas Eve this was not a happy sight!!! and Hubbie was not pleased at driving round trying to get a replacement!
Little pickle enjoys making and eating the Rocky Road, which I posted a picture of in a previous post.
So there you have it!
Enjoy your Friday
Five on Friday
This is my first Five on Friday post, thanks to Amy from Love Made My Home, for getting us started.
So as the Festive season is upon us I thought my Five on Friday would be about my 5 favourite Christmas things..
1. My Advent Candle
2. Christmas Trees
I just love Christmas Trees, when I was little we always had a real one, but for the last few years due to the cost of real trees we went for this one, which I think loves great decorated.
However this year due to Mittens the kitten!, we have had brought a real potted one, to put all the delicate decorations on to avoid them being attacked! (it's placed upstairs out of kitten reach)
PS Little Pickle Decorated this one all by herself
3. Christmas baking
Well where do I start - the cake, the puddings, chocolates, gingerbread and so the list grows, I love the smell of the spices in the bakes travelling though the house, Here are my puddings all done and and ready for Christmas.
4. Christmas Carols/Sings
Well the stash of Christmas CD's are out and are already playing in our house, I enjoy mixing the old carols with the new more modern day music, As pickle is performing in the school choir, we are having lots of Silent Night, Let it snow, let it snow and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on repeat play on the CD player.
5.Christmas Craft Projects
This has only been a favourite over the last couple of years, since discovering my more creative side, I have real enjoyed making gifts and decorations this year, and am hoping to get everything finished in time.
Here are just a couple of the project photos.
I am joining in Five on Friday, taking five minutes from our day to enjoy five things. Please go and visit the other people who are also blogging about Five on Friday this week
Amy from Love Made My Home
Wendy from September Violets
Jane from The Maple Syrup Mob |
Leanne from Today's Stuff |
Janet from Macque Thanks for visiting. MX |
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Blogmas 2014 - Day 4 Favourite Christmas Music
On reading Amy from love made my home, post today I have decided to join the Blogmas 2014, as created by Sandra from http://familycorner.blogspot.co.uk.
So today's is - What's your Favourite Christmas music and as I already have been playing my Christmas Music since end of November, I thought this would be easy, MMMMMMMMMM maybe not.
Traditional Songs
God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen
Carol of Bells
O Come all Ye Faithful
Hark the Herald!
The Holly and the Ivy
Deck the Halls
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Good King Wenceslas
12 Days of Christmas
Modern Songs
Last Christmas
White Christmas
Rocking around the Christmas Tree
Do they know it Christmas (Band Aid Original)
Driving Home for Christmas
I believe in Father Christmas
The Christmas Song
Baby it's cold outside
All I want for Christmas
So there you have it, I am sure there are so many more I love but I would end up posting this blog at midnight!
Hope you all have a lovely day and please do join in and spread the Festive Joy!
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Goodbye November!
Good evening.,
it's been a busy a weekend, I manage to wallpaper the dining room
it's been a busy a weekend, I manage to wallpaper the dining room
In time for Christmas decorations.
Mittens has found a new home!!!
So the tree is up for how long?
that depends on mittens.
Had a nice meal out with mums, husbands and kids on saturday night.
back to work tomorrow.
thanks for dropping by
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Sunday makes and bakes
So it's be another busy weekend, Saturday was a day for tidying, organising cupbiards ready for Christmas goodies.. after that I thought It was time to dust off the sewing machine and make these cute christmas cones, fab for sweeties and candy canes.
and another make up bag.
It was the xmas light switch on in our town which was great, it always makes christmas feel closeby.
Today we made gluten free mince pies and stollen
So it's be another busy weekend, Saturday was a day for tidying, organising cupbiards ready for Christmas goodies.. after that I thought It was time to dust off the sewing machine and make these cute christmas cones, fab for sweeties and candy canes.
and another make up bag.
It was the xmas light switch on in our town which was great, it always makes christmas feel closeby.
Today we made gluten free mince pies and stollen
And yes the christmas cups, plates are out!
Thursday, 20 November 2014
I baked a pie.....
I have to think keeping it cozy blog about pumpkin pie..x
Once I read it, I couldn't resist having a go, I used to buy the pie case but since being gluten free I can't anymore.
So using the recipe on keeping it cozy I tried to make my own pastry case , which if you read my blog the other me and pastry are not best friends! but it worked yaaaay I am so pleased, here are my 2 little pumpkin pies and as mary berry would say no soggy bottoms!!
Once I read it, I couldn't resist having a go, I used to buy the pie case but since being gluten free I can't anymore.
So using the recipe on keeping it cozy I tried to make my own pastry case , which if you read my blog the other me and pastry are not best friends! but it worked yaaaay I am so pleased, here are my 2 little pumpkin pies and as mary berry would say no soggy bottoms!!
with cinnamon cream
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Christmas pudding
Here is my latest make...Christmas is coming..
I just cannot wait nowx
little pickle is singing Christmas songs for the big sing choir
so it feels festive in our house already.
Little pickle Christmas list is growing daily hmmm
Thanks for reading and catch up soon
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Kitten Smitten!
Happy Tuesday!
Well I am very happy it's dry today, after being soaked though yesterday and having wet shoes from 8.30am - 6.30pm, not a happy bunny!
Now as you know we have had Mittens the kitten for about 4 months now, and I cannot believe how big she is and how cheeky..
Well I am very happy it's dry today, after being soaked though yesterday and having wet shoes from 8.30am - 6.30pm, not a happy bunny!
Now as you know we have had Mittens the kitten for about 4 months now, and I cannot believe how big she is and how cheeky..
Before we brought her home - 8 weeks old
Mittens being a little monkey!
And this is her now- she is getting bigger by the day.
She is often found spread out like this until she slides off, mid sleep and gets very cross, as if someone has pushed her off:))
I must admit I do fear for my Christmas decorations this year, me thinks a small real tree upstairs with the glass baubles on. (any excuse for another christmas tree)
So I started making these slippers for pickle before we even got Mittens, they have taken awhile to do, as it's been a project I keep stopping and starting but here they are----
I am very happy with them, I hope pickle will be come Christmas!
Thanks for reading my blog and catch up again soon
Monday, 17 November 2014
Let the Christmas bake begin!
Good Afternoon...
I had a very busy weekend, so I posted my fruit soaking for my cake last week, on Saturday this made it into the oven, in a square tin this year as per pickles request.
Before that we made Rocky Road, the smell of chocolate filled the air..
I had a very busy weekend, so I posted my fruit soaking for my cake last week, on Saturday this made it into the oven, in a square tin this year as per pickles request.
Before that we made Rocky Road, the smell of chocolate filled the air..
It does look better when covered in snow (icing sugar)
After that we made Sticky Gingerbread - Gluten Free of course.
Then it was time to try Gluten free Rough puff - mmmmmmm well I can't say we got on really, I think I need to do another 2 rounds of roll and fold to build up the layers, but the taste was better then before - Hubbie however did not agree and wants the original with gluten and more cheese!
The pastry was also used for Sausage rolls, however I ate them all before photos could be taken.
So that was just Saturday --- On Sunday,
It was Cranberry and White Choc chip cookies, some frozen for Christmas ( gluten Free again), these turned out every well and the kids have been eating them as quick as I could bake them.
Sorry but the light was so bad.
And Finally the Christmas Puddings - All 4 in total , the smell was lovely,can't wait for Christmas day!
I had such a great weekend, I love getting organised and knowing my freezer has goodies in it!
More to follow soon---
If anyone wants the gluten free recipes please message me
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